Ivoryton, CT

Lisa Laing

Life Practice Program Leader

Certified InterPlay Leader

Lisa Laing is a Certified InterPlay Master Leader, fitness professional and Certified Cancer Wellness Specialist. She incorporates the practices and forms of InterPlay in each of these aspects of her life, including leading an ongoing weekly group of InterPlayers in CT and beyond for over 20 years. Lisa has brought InterPlay to incarcerated women at York Correctional Facility in CT, interdenominational clergy groups, as well as students at The Juilliard School, Yale Divinity School and Southern CT State U. Lisa co-developed a cancer wellness group, Hope Is Power, very much informed by InterPlay. Lisa co-leads the InterPlay Life Practice Program and Secrets of InterPlay in the Northeast US with both Katrina Browne and CC King and is an InterPlay Leader Training Mentor. Lisa and CC hold admin responsibilities for the Northeast US Region. She has served on the InterPlay Body Wisdom Board. "I am blessed to be a part of this diverse world-wide community of creators, instigators, healers, nurturers, adventurers, connectors, huggers, grace-operatives, activists, artists; InterPlayers All!"

P. O. Box 513
Ivoryton, CT 06442
United States

Email Lisa