Asheville, NC

Darlene Kucken

Certified InterPlay Leader

Darlene has been exploring InterPlay forms and practices for about 13 years (give or take) and has definitely had her life enhanced by these practices. You would never know she used to be an introverted wall flower! After just a short time doing InterPlay she came to realize how much her energy made a difference in a room of people. So there's no telling what difference her Big Body Spirit could make on the planet if she just let it shine! She now improvises her Life (quite well, thank you) using the learned tools, forms and practices of InterPlay. She attributes her playfulness to InterPlay, and also her quest for deeper meaning in her life and the life of the community she surrounds herself with. She witnesses how much InterPlay can bring out the most in those that bring a willingness of spirit to the InterPlay practices.

Asheville, NC
United States

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