Creeative Play and BodySpirit Renewal


Ginny Going


on-going group 2rd Fridays 12 noon - 2 pm Eastern time, Feb. 11, March 11, April 8, 2022

You're invited to a time of creative play, self-discovery and bodyspirit renewal. Come and join with InterPlayers from across the USA and beyond for a monthly deep dive into the heart of InterPlay. We play with a different theme each month as we root ourselves in affirmation, supportive community, playfulness and more ease in our lives. Expect to laugh, savor and relax!

All are welcome! Please let us know if you are coming by email ( or text (919-412-3851).

Cost: $12-$22 per session. PayPal or check to Colleagues, 400 S. Boylan Ave., Raleigh, NC 27603

Registration/Information: Email


Online Ongoing Classes & Groups

Ginny Going
As a recovering serious person, I consider InterPlay my 12-step program and my life practice for having more ease and grace. I've been InterPlaying for 27 years and have watched the blooming and spread of InterPlay all over the world with gratefulness and delight.

For the past 13 years I've been immersed in the development and growth of the Leader Training Program and currently serve as the program coordinator. I love offering people the "big body" tools of InterPlay for telling their stories, especially people on the margins of our communities. I am also passionate about embodied spirituality, engaging people in prayer and worship forms that include and honor the body. It has been an amazing experience to participate in and teach InterPlay in many places around the world.

Currently the Leader Training Program is being reshaped to integrate Racial Equity and Transformation into all aspects of InterPlay leader training. This is truly an exciting and exhilerating time to be part of the world-wide community of InterPlay!

See more On-Going Groups / Play Groups

InterPlay Regional Websites

This site lists events in many different regions in the world. Some regions also have their own websites.