Olympia Plays!
Maggie Lott and
Sharonne O'Shea

Tumwater, WA
1st and 3rd Thursdays 10:00 to 11:30 am (No classes June, July, August or September begins Oct.3rd))
Come experience the gifts of telling your story, singing your song, and moving your body as you renew and refresh you soul. All are welcome to come and explore "what a body can do"!
Cost: FREE
Registration/Information: Maggie Lott at mlott1256@gmail.com
Old Town Center (Gym)
215 N 2nd Ave SW
Tumwater, WA 98512
Parking next to the building and across the street
Maggie Lott
As an elementary school teacher, I have used Interplay in my teaching, like Walk, Stop, Jog Safely for a brain and body break, which the kids loved. Now retired, I am expanding into more Interplay forms for groups in Olympia, Washington. For my local storytelling guild, I present Interplay forms for creative storytelling games. For my women's writing group, we employ babbling for generating new writing ideas.
Sharonne O'Shea