2nd Saturday InterPlay & MORE!

Chicago, IL
2nd Saturdays and MORE!
Class times: 1:00-2:30
InterPlay® is an active creative way to unlock the wisdom of the body. Through practical ideas and a system of practices rooted in storytelling, movement & sound; we gain access to our own “body wisdom” ~ what works best for us, what gives us purpose, what makes us feel fully alive.
New to InterPlay? No experience needed.
Cost: Fees TBA ~ Discounts for Multiple classes
Registration/Information: 630/715-8590 InterPlayChicago@sbcglobal.net
Ravenswood Presbyterian Church
Jeff Breting got hooked on InterPlay in early 2010 when he attended a retreat in North Carolina.
Soon after that first experience he completed the 5-weekend Life Practice Training Program in Minneapolis with InterPlay master teacher CathyAnn Beaty. After completing that first level of leader training, he played at several InterPlay retreats throughout the country.
Jeff was also fortunate to have a 6-week immersion at the InterPlay headquarters in California. During that time he received instruction from InterPlay co-founders Phil Porter and Cynthia-Winton Henry. He also attended weekly classes and weekend programs that were facilitated by a diverse range of expert InterPlay leaders.
Jeff has been a regular participant of ongoing events in his home Chicago Interplay community. He has also continued to pursue national training at annual Leadership retreats.
One of Jeff's passion is to use InterPlay vocal methods to enable anybody to rediscover the joy of using their voices to make sounds, regardless of whether they think they are "good singers." To gain additional facilitation tools, Jeff attended weekend retreats with Trish Watts, the founded InterPlay Australia. During these retreats, Jeff was exposed to the powerful methods of Voice Movement Therapy (VMT) that extend the possibilities of the human voice far beyond any form of singing. He also learned about combining indigenous singing traditions with our western community based modes of singing.
He keeps coming back because he finds InterPlay to be a lot of fun. He also enjoys how it enables him to develop his own voice (in the big sense of the word). And he is fascinated by how it opens many avenues for people to connect with one another.
Jeff attended the requisite training and supervision to attain his InterPlay leader certification. As of Summer 2017, Jeff has co-led and led 85 public InterPlay sessions in the Chicago area.
In his leading, Jeff desires to bring the collective wisdom of all his instructors to session participants. Jeff also wants to help people of all backgrounds broaden the ways they express themselves, create more ease in their lives and incorporate healthy ways of being in relationship with others.
Jeff has a keen interest in the application of InterPlay to interpersonal, small group, and organizational communication. As an individual who grew up with a speech disorder, Jeff has a special passion for providing unique growth opportunities for people with present or past speech disorders, ESL students, as well as people who identify themselves as "Introverted," "Highly Sensitive," and/or "Shy."