InterPlay & Meditation (Online & Brooklyn)

Time for play, stillness, and care
Lissa E

Brooklyn, NY

7:15-8:45p, select Thursdays

All are welcome to join this InterPlay & Meditation community in Brooklyn. We will explore embodied radical care in the form of stillness, movement, play, mindfulness, storytelling, and more using Pleasure Activism by adrienne maree brown as one of our guides.

Suggested Donation: $10. No one will be turned away for lack of funds.

Upcoming Meetings:
Select Thursdays 7:15-8:45p online or at 421 5th Ave, Brooklyn.

For more info & exact dates for meetings, please see

Cost: $10

Registration/Information: Please email Lissa (see below)


Brooklyn Arts Exchange

421 5th Ave Brooklyn
Brooklyn, NY 11215
2nd floor walk up studio
Lissa E
Lissa is a certified meditation, yoga, and qigong facilitator as well as a somatic integrative mental health nurse practitioner. Lissa guides practices that are compassionate, trauma-responsive, and racial and social justice oriented for the wellness and liberation of all beings. Lissa is particularly moved to work with populations less likely to have exposure or access to contemplative practices.

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