Elevate Your Wholeness!

Seattle, WA, ONLINE
By Appointment
“Instead of attacking problems…Play welcomes woundedness without making a huge deal out of it all. Play concentrates upon and elevates wholeness rather than weakness…Play heals in part because it takes the pressure off what hurts. Our bodies love to create. Play activates the best in us for nothing but recreation. In recreation we are created anew. Our creative energy, like a tide of health, sweeps our challenges in the direction of well-being.” Cynthia Winton-Henry from What the Body Wants
During this time of physical distancing old wounds may have been activated or new challenges may have arisen that could benefit from extra EXFORMATION and PLAY!!!
Join me on Zoom for one-on-one InterPlay sessions using InterPlay forms and BodyWisdom Tools to "take pressure off what hurts" and "elevate your wholeness".
We will create new possibilities through play!
Cost: Sliding Scale $25--$75 per hour
Registration/Information: Sharie Bowman at interplaynorthwest@gmail.com
Sharie Bowman, MA, LMHC is a Mental Health Counselor and also InterPlay's Regional Coordinator for the Pacific Northwest. In 2006, Sharie completed her training as an InterPlay leader and also received her degree in mental health counseling, so InterPlay and counseling have been woven together in her bodyspirit from the start. She finds InterPlay to be foundational in building and maintaining her personal resilience, as well supporting her work with clients. In her private practice she regularly weaves InterPlay’s life-enhancing forms and philosophies with counseling wisdom to help individuals and families thrive.
Prior to 2006, Sharie worked as a high school math teacher and found InterPlay to be the best Teacher Training she ever received. The improvisational skills that she developed immediately brought more play, creativity, and expression to her teaching as well as to classroom management.
Now Sharie finds great joy in bringing her organizational and instructional skills to the InterPlay classroom, and she often leads the foundational InterPlay Life Practice Program and mentors new leaders. She relishes sharing the joy of InterPlay far and wide, and supporting each participant in integrating InterPlay into their own lives!