Unlock the Wisdom of your Body!

Europe Life Practice Program 2021 Online

Change your Practice ~ Change your Life!
Masankho Banda, Meg MacLeod, Bernhard Staudt, Annegret Zander, and Vibhuti Aggarwal


Friday 4pm - Sunday 1:30pm CEST
April 16-18, June 4-6,
September 24-26, 2021
with addtional sessions TBD

Change your Practice - Change your Life!

The European InterPlay Life Practice Program begins with a 4-day ONLINE "Secrets of InterPlay", which you can attend to help you discern if you would like to join this program.

Immerse yourself in the InterPlay philosophy and practice in the company of a supportive and joyful creative community. Learn how you can use the tools and ideas of InterPlay to unlock the wisdom of your body. Get your body, mind, heart, and spirit all on the same page. Learn about yourself through connection and community. Create more ease and fun in your life.

Life Practice Program weekend sessions

2021, April 16-18
Leaders: Bernhard Staudt, Meg MacLeod

2021, June 4-6
Leaders: Bernhard Staudt and Annegret Zander
Assisting: Vibhuti Aggarwal

2021, Sept. 24-26
Leaders: Bernhard Staudt + Masankho Banda
Assisting: Vibhuti Aggarwal

All weekends meet with this schedule on Central European Time
Friday 10am - 1pm &. 3pm - 6pm
Saturday 10am - 1pm &. 3pm - 6pm
Sunday 10am - 1:30 pm

If by September we are allowed to meet Live, we will begin that weekend on Thursday evening, September 23, from 7-9pm.

Repeating the Program
Anyone who has previously completed the InterPlay Life Practice Program is eligible for the repeaters rate. You may also repeat the weekends only (without Secrets) for $750.

Financial Assistance
Diversity is a great gift in the InterPlay experience. Based on our commitment to Racial Equity and Transformation (read our statement here) and our understanding of other structural and personal inequalities that exist, Body Wisdom is committed to making our programs financially accessible.

Financial considerations need not be a barrier to your participation. Financial support and flexible payment plans are available. Please email Stephanie@interplay.org (or call 001-510/465-2797), or feel free to speak to one of the leaders of this program. (The InterPlay office is in the U.S. in the Pacific Time zone.)

For more information on InterPlay Europe please visit: https://interplayeurope.com

To Make Tuition Payment or Deposit
Note for Office

Cost: $1,950/$1,000 for repeaters (Secrets included) ($100 deposit secures your place)

Registration/Information: Registration Questions: email Lucia@interplay.org. For financial assistance: email Stephanie@interplay.org.


Online Secrets/Life Practice Programs

Masankho Banda

Masankho is a multi - disciplinary Performing Artist, Certified InterPlay Leader, Educator and PeaceBuilder. He brings many unique perspectives to his work around the world. He learned the fine arts of storytelling and dance from his Malawian culture spending many long days and nights listening to stories and dancing to music that captivated his mind, shaped his being, nourished his soul and strengthened his spirit. Using performing arts Masankho motivates and inspires people of all ages to work together to bring about peace, social justice and cultural understanding. In 1997, he started UCanDanc—African Healing Arts to bring his passion for dance and storytelling to communities around the world. Masankho has been a Certified InterPlay Leader since 1999.

Masankho can also be reached at these phone numbers: +265 99 255 5338 or 88 113 8655 (available on Whatsapp / FaceTime)

Also: Skype : kamsisi
Facebook / Twitter: storytelling4u

Meg MacLeod

Meg MacLeod has been leading InterPlay classes and workshops since 1998: in the USA, the Netherlands, Scotland, Germany and Switzerland – in on-going classes, school teachers trainings, camp counselors, university dance and drama students, and at birthdays community celebrations and conferences. She has directed and performed in numerous choreographed and InterPlay (improvisational) concerts.

Some of her main influencers are the Work of Byron Kate, her 12-step recovery and Arnold Mindell's ideas on quantum physics, the Tao and the Dreaming body.

Earlier years.
As school teacher, she regularly directed performances starring the children or brought her musician friends to her school to perform for the kids. In the mid- late-80s as an artist-in-residence, she developed and solo-performed five interactive concerts using music, stories and dance/movement to teach social studies and ecology in 24 US states, Germany and the UK.

As a community activist for Walkable Communities in the 90s she produced several highly successful conferences and two organizations until becoming physically and emotionally 'burned-out'. She credits recovery of her senses and health to InterPlay and other systems and loves to share the playfulness and trust in her intuition and in life she has recovered.
Current passions are music and song-writing, InterPlaying and becoming more fluent in the Dutch language.
Bernhard Staudt
Bernhard Staudt offers InterPlay, theater courses and events for children, teenagers and adults. I give courses in the areas of: Movement theater, creativity development, team development, communication, Play training, for example for leisure group leaders, and singing circles. You can find more information here: bewegen-spielen-erfahren.de Experience and adventure offers are another mainstay, You can find out more about outdoor events here: impulse-in-der-natur.de I have been working as a freelancer for 13 years. Among other things, I am a freelance actor. In 2015, I founded "theater herzstück" and offer high-quality, entertaining plays for children and adults. www.theater-hersztueck.de Bernhard Staudt bietet InterPlay, Theaterkurse und Veranstaltungen für Kinder, Jugendliche und Erwachsene an. Ich gebe Kurse in den Bereichen: Bewegungstheater, Kreativitätsentwicklung, Teamentwicklung, Kommunikation, Spieltraining, zum Beispiel für Freizeitgruppenleiter, und Singkreise. Mehr informationen findest Du hier: bewegen-spielen-erfahren.de Ein weiteres Standbein sind Erlebnis- und Abenteuer-Angebote, Mehr über die Outdoor-Events findest Du hier: impulse-in-der-natur.de Ich bin seit 13 Jahren freiberuflich tätig. Unter anderem bin ich freischaffender Schauspieler. Im Jahr 2015 gründete ich das "theater herzstück" und biete hochwertige, unterhaltsame Theaterstücke für Kinder und Erwachsene an. www.theater-hersztueck.de
Annegret Zander
Annegret got into InterPlay in 1992 as an international student of "Dance and Theology" at PSR, Berkeley, CA. Four years later she was one of the early InterPlay leaders, played ever since. As a Lutheran minister she works in adult education near Frankfurt with focus on people 50 plus. She learned that even ladies in their 80s love a handdance once in a while. One of her favorite forms: fake opera and fake languages with her daughter. She is also a Playing Artist, playing with cross media performance in church (very low-tech) Annegret Zander lernte InterPlay in einem Auslandsjahr in 1992 kennen, ist seit 1996 InterPlay Leader und nutzt die Formen und Prinzipien in ihrer Arbeit als Fachreferentin der Fachstelle Zweite Lebenshälfte in Hanau, Naehe Frankfurt, Pfarrerin, Seelsorgerin, Playing Artist mit Schwerpunkt low rech cross media performance - und das am liebsten als Andacht...
Vibhuti Aggarwal

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