Sparks in the Dark

An InterPlay Lenten Journey
Rebeka Moeljono


8:30-9:00 am Pacific Every Saturday for 7 weeks February 25-April 8th

Throughout Biblical History, we learn how God works with Noah, Abraham, Moses and other Biblical characters through their dark nights, helping them to see the sparks of light that bring them hope, freedom and victory. In this Lenten season, you are invited to come journey together for 7 weeks to prepare ourselves for Easter.

Using InterPlay forms we will reflect on Jesus's experience in the desert for 40 days. Our journey will begin in the darkness and then we will gradually catch the dancing light of God that woos us out of the darkness and into new life and freedom.

"I will give you treasures out of the darkness..." (Isaiah 45:3)

"... new life starts in the dark. Whether it is a seed in the ground, a baby in the womb, or Jesus in the tomb, it starts in the dark ..." (Barbara Brown Taylor)

Week 1

Catching the glimpse of light in the darkness- the Sparks

Week 2

The Sparks (of light) that brings you out of the box

Week 3

The Invitation to follow the Sparks in the Dark

Week 4

The Sparks (of light) that brings breakthrough

Week 5

The Sparks (of light) that help you to stay on the path

Week 6

The Sparks (of light) that sits with you

Week 7

The Sparks that lives inside of your heart

Cost: FREE

Registration/Information: Please email Rebeka to register and receive Zoom Link.


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Rebeka Moeljono
Rebeka aka Ruby is a trained spiritual companion who loves to use creative approach including art making and movements to infuse colors in lives, She is a Window Between Worlds (AWBW) facilitator who use art as a healing tool and she is also a certified InterPlay Leader. She provides creative sessions to non-profits organizations, businesses and churches that wish to incorporate creative activities to their team and church meetings to unlock the wisdom and  ideas. She loves outdoors and cycling. Some of her topic interests are: praying/playing with colors, body prayers, dreamwork, creative journaling and connecting Enneagram and play. Please check her website for free resources and more information to connect with her.

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