Feed your soul. Nourish your spirit.

Soul Food InterPlay

Come enjoy a weekly cup of Soul Food during the Play-a-thon!
Marla Durden

Online, ONLINE

Tuesdays, June 6th + June 13th | 9-10AM PST | 12-1PM EST

Come enjoy a weekly cup of Soul Food. We will play, journal, share in community and celebrate the things that we love, and that make our hearts sing. We access deep body wisdom with carefully crafted music, meditations, story sharing, embodied practices and more.This class is steeped in affirmation, positive intention and self-love. JOIN US HERE TUES during the Play-a-thon! Zoom Meeting ID: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89842180319?pwd=MVRZMC83RHQvZEdTYm9NLy9sYWVJZz09

Cost: $0-$15 sliding scale

Registration/Information: https://www.interplay.org/playathon2023.htm or email Marla @ModernRootWoman@gmail.com



Online, ONLINE
Zoom link will be provided after you schedule an appointment.
Marla Durden
Marla came to InterPlay at the end of 2016 and has never stopped playing. She immediately began performing and was certified as a leader in May 2021. Marla is an alchemist, artist, energy shaman and coach who uses her gifts to create experiences that support personal empowerment, healing and transformation.

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